The Highland Park Illinois mass shooting is the latest in an ever-growing list of national tragedies, leaving families and friends of the victims gripped with grief, anguish and despair. In addition to those who experience direct loss, such events also take a toll on others, including those who witnessed the shooting, first responders, people who were nearby and those who hear about it through the media.
The effects of such violence reach many others. While the immediate survivors are most affected, the rest of society suffers, too. If you are affected directly or indirectly, please seek out assistance from a licensed mental health counselor as these first line traumatic events can potentially trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) leading to depression and other illnesses.
The effects of such violence reach many others. While the immediate survivors are most affected, the rest of society suffers, too. If you are affected directly or indirectly, please seek out assistance from a licensed mental health counselor as these first line traumatic events can potentially trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) leading to depression and other illnesses.